Sunday, December 31, 2006

Back after a brief hiatus

Its been a while, actually a long while since i posted something. I don't know why i didn't but now i want to, and i hope to carry on. Carry on long enough to take me through the travails of my present day.

My life is good; the usual. As i stand on the cusp of getting into the new robes of another year, it makes me look back at things gone by, at another year of inexplicable waste. A year spent wallowing in the very depths of mediocrity and obscurity. I just cannot seem to come to terms with the way of life. Some people just seem to breeze through as if it is the most natural thing to do. And here i am, walking amidst innumerable insecurities towards nowhere.

Its that time of the year when one has to look back at the year gone by, reminisce and hopefully find pleasure in what has happened(at least in most of the happenings). I just cannot seem to do that; the uncertainties , and irrational fears grip me in their cold hands.

The other day I had to somehow climb a perennially crowded railway bridge to go for an entrance exam. The number of people climbing were substantially higher than those descending down. As i continued my 'ascent to my summit' i noticed that people were, almost naturally, making way for a man who was carrying a big load on his head. By chance i happened to be climbing the stairs parallel to him. And what a sight it made! While people pushed and shoved me to move ahead, right beside me was that guy somehow fortunate to walk effortlessly without being bothered about any kind of trouble. I could not come to terms with this self-supposed blatant bias. Here i was, carrying my own share of burdens on my shoulder (albeit, it was a mental state of being than physical) and no one cared, while people made way for that man.

Is it any wonder then that people call this the age of visual communication?


Somya said...

Guess what? We all r carrying humungous amount of worries n insecurities with us...and we all consider that ours is much more than the others. But wait and look around you'll find that answers. I consider myself lucky despite all the setbacks n tension...why? bcoz atleast I am not running away from them and am ready give them a tough fight.

Sisyphus said...

what you say is very true, we all think that our pain is the most. But i don't think i hinted at running away from my problems.
anyways, thanks for your comments